Thursday, October 7, 2010

finally google instant in india

A few weeks ago Google introduced Google Instant, a new way of searching that makes search more interactive and helps users find information more quickly and easily.  And today they rolled out Instant in India. 

Google Instant combines three core features -- dynamic results, Autocomplete predictions, and ‘scroll-to-search’ functionality -- to deliver smart, predictive results as users type. 

In the month since their initial release, they extended Instant to Google Books, Videos, Blogs and Updates, and launched keyboard shortcuts to help users navigate through search results. They have also learned more about how people are using Instant, and although it is still early days here are some findings.

People are learning to use Instant

In just two weeks, Google saw an increase in the fraction of searches performed without hitting enter or clicking search. People are used to searching on Google by hitting enter or clicking “search,” but they've been happy to see that people are quickly adjusting to the new experience.

Search is getting more interactive

Google has seen about a 7% increase in on-the-fly editing of search queries. Instant isn’t just about time savings, it’s also a new, more fluid way to search. People reformulate their queries more. As users type, they see search results, and often those results can inspire them to type better search terms.

People are making the extra effort to use Instant 

In just one week, they saw an increase in the relative number of search sessions starting on the Google homepage, likely because they want to use Instant. Google Instant currently only works on the Google homepage and results page, not in other places such as browser search boxes, the Google Toolbar, and the Chrome Omnibox. As people have learned about Google Instant, many seem to be searching more on the homepage in order to use the feature.

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