Monday, April 11, 2011

google chrome and PS3

Sony's playstation3 has a native browser which is hated by almost all its users.According to rumours, Sony’s Principal Software Engineer, Geoff Levand, has been observed to be conducting tests on Chrome and webkit.It started circulating when NeoGAF user androvsky said something like this
"I'm going through ps3-webkit-support.diff because I'm bored. Looks like we're actually getting Chrome, since Geoff's added a couple of files for ChromeClientPOSIX. There's a lot of functions that aren't implemented, but they're mainly ones that involve windowing that you wouldn't expect to be supported on the PS3. …It's a huge freaking project, and the diff only covers what needed to be changed so it works on the PS3. I think we can expect good things in the future.”
Though frankly speaking,the rumour is actually in circulation for almost 2 years(since  sony started bundling chrome in its computers).So,lets see if anything changes now.Keeping the finger crossed.

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